Thursday, May 18, 2017


While ministering in the Healing Rooms in Fontana I knew in my heart as I completed HeartChange in October of 2014 that God was leading me to volunteer my time with helping /TA'ing at the next HeartChange.
Sue and I both felt the nudge from God and were excited, then we ended up opening our home to it and had the next HeartChange (early 2015) right in Norco only to see 12 people changed and growing closer to God! People from very different life situations; some broken, some just living an ordinary life, all in all, everyone with a different story. God was faithful and gave each one a beautiful time with Him and some tools to take home and help them in their Christian walk!

What a great new life this is , truly as that new creature, God intended me to be.

Really Awesome

This was really awesome what God was doing in and through me!
And to top it off, I have been blessed to be doing this WITH MY WIFE!
We get to learn and grow together as God leads and we step out in faith!

An exciting journey had really started!

First Months of Healing Rooms

During the first months of the Healing Rooms I was a volunteer who came to pray, learn, and grow. I began to see miracles each Thursday night, EXCITING! These included physical, emotional, and spiritual healings. I was the assistant or technician in training as I followed other leaders and just grew in my faith and knowledge of what God was teaching.

Waking Up

In October of 2014 I woke up to a new Christian Life. I had no idea what God had for me, but I stepped forward after many years of just a good but what seemed like an average Christian life.
God used a HeartChange workshop and training at the Healing Rooms of Fontana to lead me in a new direction of understanding ... thst is, who I am in God's eyes. Additionally, I began learning about the power and authority we have in Christ!

From spiritual gift tests in past years I knew I had the gift of faith, but God highlighted Luke 17:5 where the apostles asked Jesus for more faith. So, I asked Him for more faith at the HeartChange workshop. Wow, my faith grew fast as I felt I was finally that "new creation/creature" the Bible talks about. I had freedom from some man made doctrines that held me back from what God had for me.  And, through ministering at the healing rooms, I began to see miracles on a weekly basis.

I was now on my way to this freedom lifestyle and had no idea what God had in store for me! Freedom from sin, unforgiveness, hurts, guilt, blame, etc...
And, sharing and ministering to others who are able in turn to  find this freedom in Jesus. Freedom and healing from emotional hurts and physical injuries/sickness etc...

Freedom in Jesus is a beautiful thing!